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We have a chat room for the 'Friday Night Cafe'.

Registration:  This is very simple, and for those already registered on the forum you might want to use a similar username to the one used in the forum. The only difference is that you can only have a maximum of 10 letters, and you cannot have spaces in your name, e.g. my Forum name is 'mr cambo', but in the chat room it is 'mrcambo'.

Click on the pictures below to get a larger view of the login and registration pages.


When you go to the login page (above left) for the first time, click on the 'Register' button. This will take you to the registration window (above right).

Create your username (cannot contain spaces, commas or backslashes), and then your password (maybe make it the same as the forum password so it's easier to remember). Add your name and email address in the relevant boxes, and click on 'Register'.

Login:  Once registered...

  • Go into the main page (again)

  • Type your username and password, then in the area select a chat room...

  • For the 'default room' select Default

  • On the third line 'create your own...', select public

  • Finally click the 'Chat' button... see you there!!

*At the top of the login page is a 'Tutorial' link. If you have any questions, check there first for the answer, but if that doesn't help, post a message in the 'Technical Issues' part of the forum and we'll try to help you.

Register/Login here